Whadda Ya Got to Lose?

I’m sure Hitch would have had something to say about the language Donald Trump used in his recent, ineloquent outreach to the  African American community. After saying its schools were horrible and its communities dangerous, he said “Give me a try – Whadda you got to lose ?”

It’s the same language Hitchens used when he mocked the god of Pascal’s Wager. The offer, he said, goes something like  this: “Why not believe in God?  Whadda you got to lose ?

Here are videos of Hitch explaining the “Whadda ya got to lose” proposition (1:04 mark) (and as an added bonus he does an impression of  Bertrand Russell), followed by Mr. Trump using, just about the same phrase, with his ‘offer’ (at the :55 mark).





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Here is some good news. Hate preacher Anjem Choudary was convicted by a UK court, of supporting ISIS. It is high time. He can get up to 10 years in prison, which does not seem like enough, but it’s a great start. See the BBC story for details

Not unsurprisingly, Hitchens spoke out against him. Forward to 1:45 in the video below for the part where he addresses Choudary.